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Comparing Lessons in SK and Grade 2-3

Measurement is truly a fun and interesting topic when teaching and when learning about it. The learning objectives differ depending on the grade level we are working with. It is incredibly interesting to see how math builds upon itself. As children learn, understand and master a concept we can build on their knowledge and introduce new concepts.

Two of our classes were working on measurement at the same time. We put a mini video together to showcase some of the ways we work and the tools we use to teach and engage our students.

In Senior Kindergarten measurement is introduced by using non-standard units. Those units can be just about anything; one-inch cubes, paperclips, bottle caps and more. Comparisons can be made with the information gathered and this sets the stage for further exploration, engagement and learning.

By the time students reach grades two and three, they are using both non-standard as well as standard units of measurement.

Here is a short video that demonstrates some of our Senior Kindergarten and Grade 2-3 students at work with measurement.

Senior Kindergarten students measure in a variety of ways.

Hands-on learning is still evident beyond kindergarten at Kingsley. We use manipulatives to help students grasp and understand concepts. The grade 2-3 group was working on Area in these pictures.


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