Kingsley reaches beyond the provincial curriculum offering smaller class sizes, enriched music and French for students.

"It was a pleasure working at Kingsley School. Through my experiences working as a behavioural therapist, I got to witness firsthand the type of dedication and passion teachers at Kingsley School have for their students. All staff members took the time to get to know each and every child, and to help make sure they all had a positive and exciting experience everyday. Teachers and staff work as a team to enable a fun learning environment. I couldn’t have asked to work at a better school!"
~ Flora Roudbarani, M.Ed. in Developmental Psychology & Education, UofT (OISE)
Our Curriculum
Kingsley follows the provincial guidelines. We meet, and often exceed, the provincial standards in all subjects. Our enriched program, taught by specialists, includes French, Music, Art, and Physical Education, beginning in Junior Kindergarten.
Kingsley students have the benefit of using individual laptops and we hold group lessons by using our SMART Board technology. We offer on-line literacy programs to track reading development and language skills. Teachers are able to track students at school and parents are able to log-on and work with their children at home.
Our media literacy program finds students creating and filming commercials and short dramatic pieces that are directly tied to our monthly character curriculum, leadership teams, or other areas of the curriculum.
Our school community and love of learning is fostered by making connections to ourselves, our experiences and also in building relationships. Our program also includes “Reading Buddies” where classes connect with one another to share books, read together, and for one another. An extension of this is included in the Forest of Reading program centered around Canadian children’s authors.